Robin White Turtle Lysne
B.F.A., M.A., M.F.A, Ph.D.
Born in Rockford, IL, as Robin Jan Heerens, she is the fourth of five daughters. Today she is an author, artist, medium, psychic and highly skilled energy medicine practitioner as well as a past radio show host.
Her degrees are in Art (B.F.A.) from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI; Spirituality and Psychology (M.A.) from Holy Names College, Oakland, CA; and numerous certificates in various healing modalities. In 2012 she earned her M.F.A. in Creative Writing-Poetry from Mills College, Oakland, California, and in 2013 she finished her doctorate in Energy Medicine from the University of Natural Medicine, Santa Fe, NM. Her thesis and dissertation were turned into two books: Poems for the Lost Deer, and Heart Path Handbook, available on Books and CD’s page.
Other Achievements
In addition Robin has exhibited her paintings and drawings widely, published numerous poems in publications, anthologies and two books, and authored ten books so far. (See the page on Books, CDs and paintings.)
The Path of the Heart
Since birth she has been able to see energy fields and spiritual presences that live among us. She has been given intuitive, mediumistic, and healing abilities to use for your empowerment, growth, physical and emotional health. She is led to do this work by her own spiritual guidance. Her training with other healers and practitioners honed her work with her intuitive processes to balance and repair chakras, heal and revitalize energy fields, and help individuals explore their archetypes, issues and challenges.
She developed a process with the help of her guidance, which she calls The Path of the Heart. Her third book called Heart Path, Learning to Love Yourself and Listening To Your Guides, features processes to help you love yourself more, and learn ways to listen to your guides. While she channels and communicates with many different spirit guides, her main guide in workshops and private sessions has been a benevolent spirit, WuLan, a Tibetan healer. He also helped her write Heart Path. She now channels Star Woman, Divine Mother and Archangels as well as helping clients connect with loved-ones who have died.
Benevolent, omnipresent spirits are spirits of light who are accessible to all people. WuLan has stated that Robin has an insight that many could have, but that she has it now for the healing of others and in service to all.
Robin believes it is both her privilege and her responsibility to use the skills she was given at birth and has developed healing tools for the highest and wisest good of all beings and the planet.
Keynote Addresses, Lectures and Talks
Radio Show
Robin Lysne offers keynote addresses, sermons, discussions, workshops, retreats and classes in the San Francisco Bay Area of California and around the country. She has spoken at Unity, Science of Mind, and Religious Science Churches and has also offered hundreds of workshop, seminars, and talks at dozens of bookstores across the country as well as in a Santa Cruz Mountains Retreat Center.
Robin is the host of Evolve! on Blog Talk Radio, through the fireflywillowslive group the url is: www.blogtalkradio.com/fireflywillowlive and then scroll down to Evolve! where you can listen to podcasts from many contemporary luminaries including: Todd Pressman, Nicki Scully, Mark Mezadourian, Carin Rockind, Doug Hayes, Robyn Michele Jones, Manohar Croke, Wendy Traynor, Desda Zuckerman, Vignesh Devraj, Elizabeth McKenzie, Eve Crow, Michelle Bradshaw Kanti, Gaisheda Khewok, Julia Chiapella, Kevin Devany, Len Anderson, Janet Trenchard, Robin Hemley, Weedeater movie, on herbalists life and many more.
Robin has appeared on Radio, Shows in: Monterrey, Santa Barbara, Rockford, Beloit, KEST, KNRY, WNIU, WREN, WROK, and Northern Lights Public Radio and many others.
She received two grants for her work on Dancing Up The Moon, and three for her work on cultural change.
Spiritual Exploration
Robin has had many spiritual teachers since she was young adult.
For over 25 years Robin was involved in Native American (Lakota, and Annishnabe) earth-based traditions where she received her spiritual name, colors, and clan.
Her name “White Turtle Woman” came to her through a Native American ceremony she committed to dancing in several years ago. She is a Sundancer and an Ogitchidaah Equa (Woman of the Ogitchidaah).Recently she has been guided to begin to use the name publicly as a spiritual teacher and intuitive.
She has also studied Umbanda, an Afro-Brazilian tradition both in the U.S. and in Brasil.
In addition she has meditated for over 45 years in a variety of traditions starting with Transendental Meditation (T.M.). She has received darshan many times and meditated with many spiritual teachers, including: Tibetian Buddhist Teachers at Land of Medicine Buddha, Santa Cruz, CA, Jack Kornfield, Da Free John (Adi Da), Amma, Guru Mai, Leonard Jacobson, Adiyashanti, Brenda Morgan, Ph.D., and Michael Silverman. Today, she is a devotee of Paramahansa Yogananda and a member of Ananda, a spiritual community based on his teachings.

I Invite You to Connect with Me
It’s exciting for me to watch my clients on their journey of evolution, and my privilege to assist them on their path. If you feel something is in your way, a physical, emotional or spiritual “bump in the road” let’s talk and I’ll help you see the best way forward. Call or write me, (831) 457-2483 or rhlysne(at)cruzio(dot)com